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ၶၢဝ်ႇၽူႈတွႆႇႁွၵ်ႈ(ပၢင်လူင်) | www.panglong.org |
ၶၢဝ်ႇၽူႈတွႆႇႁွၵ်ႈ | www.shannews.org |
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ပႃႇတီႇမႂ်ႇသုင်ၸိုင်ႈတႆး | www.ssppssa.org |
ၶၢဝ်ႇသႅၼ်ပၢႆး | www.hsenpai.media |
ၵေႃသိူဝ်ႇၶၢဝ်ႇၵူၼ်းမိူင်းတႆး | www.taipmtv.com |
Tai Images | www.taiimages.com |
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ၽၢႆႇၽဵဝ်ႈမူၺ်ႉယႃႈမဝ်းၵမ် | www.rcssanc.org |
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Shan Radio | www.shanradio.org |
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သၢႆလႅင်းၼုမ်ႇ | www.hsailengnum.blogspot.com |
ပုပ်ႉပႃႇရူင်ႇ | www.pubbarum.com |
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ၶၢဝ်းတၢင်းသီႇႁူဝ်ႇ | www.cjtaisangha.com |
ၸၼ်ႉၸွမ်ပုတ်ႉထမိူင်းတႆး | www.ssbu.edu.mm |
လုၵ်ႈႁဵၼ်းသင်ႇၶတႆးမိူင်းၵွၵ်ႇ | www.taisangha.com |
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Rath Shan | www.rathshan.com |
University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka | www.kln.ac.lk |
Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka | www.bpu.ac.lk |
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka | www.pdn.ac.lk |
University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka | www.sjp.ac.lk |
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka | www.cmb.ac.lk |
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology | www.sliit.lk |
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Ranking Web of Universities | www.webometrics.info/en |
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ၵေႃႁူမ်ႈသၢင်ႈတႆးၼုမ်ႇ | www.tainoom.org |
တႆးမႂ်ႇသုင် | www.taimaisung.org |
ၸုမ်းၵပ်းသၢၼ်လွင်ႈၼၢင်းယိင်းတႆး | www.shanwomen.org |
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ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃးတႆး(ပပ်ႉသႅၼ်သမ်ႇ) | www.shn.wikipedia.org |
ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃးတႆး(ပပ်ႉသႅၼ်သမ်ႇ) | www.incubator.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wp/shn/ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃး |
ၸဝ်ႈသြႃႇသုၶမ်း | www.shanviews.com |
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ၼမ်ႉၶူင်း | www.namkhone.com |
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မွၼ်းၶိူဝ်း | www.mawnkhur.blogspot.com |
ၸၢႆးတႆးမၢဝ်း | www.saitaimao.blogspot.com |
ပၢႆးဝူၼ်ႉၶပ်ႉ | www.taiphilosophical.blogspot.com |
Keng Tung | www.kengtung.org |
Sai Zin Didizone's Blog | www.szddzone.blog |
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မၢဝ်ႇၼုမ်ႇ | www.maonum.com |
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ၸၢႆးၼေႃႇလႅင်းၾႃႉ | www.sainawleangfa.com |
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Dictionary တႆး | www.taidic.com |
Dictionary တႆး | www.taidictionary.com |
တႆးၼမ်ႉပၼ်ႇ | www.tainampan.blogspot.com |
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